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Biomedical Odyssey

Life at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Biomedical Odyssey Home Meet the Authors

Meet the Authors

Rama Alhariri moved from Dubai to Baltimore after a listlessly virtual period, and was determined to integrate dynamically and adventurously into a new environment amid high academic demands. One of Rama’s most spontaneous activities in Baltimore has been a Tough Mudder race.

Akshaya Annapragada is a third year M.D./Ph.D. student who has lived in five U.S. states (California, Ohio, Texas, Massachusetts, and Maryland). She is passionate about health literacy, the intersections between mathematics and medicine, and exploring Baltimore’s excellent food scene.

Angelica Camilo is a Ph.D. pharmacology student who also enjoys writing, embroidering and watching reality TV. An immigrant from the Dominican Republic, she is very passionate about empowering women from marginalized communities to thrive in all environments.

Oishika Das (Editor) is a first year Johns Hopkins medical student who studied biochemistry and government at the University of Texas at Austin. Moving nine times during her childhood, she loves exploring new places. In her free time, you can find her reading, playing piano or watching random YouTube videos.

Michael Dryzer is a Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering Ph.D. candidate who is studying how different kinds of fatigue influence our perception of effort. When he’s not writing his dissertation, he likes to hike with friends or producing the latest episode of the Sci’more Podcast.

Marcos Jaso-Vera is a Mexican postdoctoral research fellow at Johns Hopkins who likes drawing, reading and video games. He loves hard science fiction, and his favorite author is Isaac Asimov. He thinks using sci-fi books and electronic media is the right way to approach young generations regarding science and progress.

Meher Kalkat is a full-time reality TV consumer, karaoke master and unabashed fiend for cookies and cream ice cream. In her free time, she is also a first-year medical student and connoisseur of all things fuzzy and warm (especially as she faces new Baltimore winters).

Jack Loftus is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and has a background working in the harm-reduction world as an addiction treatment counselor. He has always loved movies, good stories and characters, and live music. In his spare time, he is often trying new recipes or cooking something from scratch.

Daniel Olshvang crossed continents from Israel to the U.S. to pursue his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering. With a foundation in the biomedical industry, he’s now crafting innovative paths in AI research. Beyond the lab, you’ll find him harmonizing his passion for music, dissecting cinema narratives and sculpting a healthy lifestyle.

Greg Pommier is a second-year medical student who grew up in California. He likes to ask everyone he meets what their go-to trivia categories would be. His are Sichuan recipes, hikes in the French Alps, minutiae of the Three-Body Problem trilogy and embarrassing moments in Baltimore politics.

Whitney Stuard Sambhariya  (Editor) is a PGY-1 in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Eye Institute. She obtained her M.D./Ph.D. at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, where she also grew up before moving across the country for residency. Outside of working to survive residency, she is an avid marathon runner and coffee lover.

Ethan Thio is a first year Johns Hopkins medical student who hails from Orange County, California. Apart from trying to stay afloat in medical school, he spends time making PowerPoint presentations, reading, having long conversations with friends and lying on his couch.

Chi Mai Trinh is a medical student in the class of 2025. Her nonmedicine-related interests include reading in coffee shops, watching cooking videos without ever trying any of the recipes and walking in the rain. Her medical interests (as of now) include women’s health and interventional radiology.

Luke Tomasovic is a second-year M.D./Ph.D. student interested in biomedical engineering and immunology. He spends most of his time running, whether it be away from his responsibilities or through the streets of Baltimore.