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Biomedical Odyssey Home Events and Happenings Johns Hopkins Physicians Stand With You

Johns Hopkins Physicians Stand With You

a group of Johns Hopkins doctors holding a sign that says " we stand with you".


For The Johns Hopkins House Staff Diversity Council united the Hopkins community to stand in solidarity with the Black community against systemic inequity and police brutality. The video features many of our School of Medicine learners.

"In light of the recent murder of George Floyd and the countless Black lives before him, compounded by the backdrop of the racial disparity in outcomes associated with COVID19, our African American community has been traumatized and re-traumatized, and has been left feeling unvalued and further marginalized.

As physicians, we have taken an oath to protect and serve, which extends beyond the hospital wards. We are also fortunate enough to have a platform that others don't have and feel it is our responsibility to use it to implement change.

Lawrence Brown and I produced the "Hopkins Physicians Stand With You" video to demonstrate that we at Hopkins (1) Denounce racial discrimination and police brutality, (2) Define this as a public health issue that needs to be addressed, (3) Are committed to do what we can to implement change, and (4) Hope to inspire our fellow institutions to take a stand and join the movement.

This is a powerful video. We are incredibly appreciative to Johns Hopkins Medicine's Administration for their support, and we hope that it brings us one step closer to a brighter and more just future for us all."

-Tenisha Wilson, M.D., Ph.D.

For more resources, visit the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity.

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