Become a Biomedical Odyssey Blogger!
Our medical students, residents, postdocs and fellows have a lot to share — from daily life in the classroom, tips on thriving during residency, new… Read More »Become a Biomedical Odyssey Blogger!
Announcements from the biomedical odyssey blog editorial team.
Our medical students, residents, postdocs and fellows have a lot to share — from daily life in the classroom, tips on thriving during residency, new… Read More »Become a Biomedical Odyssey Blogger!
Our medical students, residents, postdocs and fellows have a lot to share — from daily life in the classroom, tips on thriving during residency, new… Read More »Become a Biomedical Odyssey Blogger!
Our medical students, residents, postdocs and fellows have a lot to share — from daily life in the classroom, tips on surviving residency, new research… Read More »Write for the Biomedical Odyssey Blog!
For Pride month, we're highlighting past blog posts that discuss the LGBTQ experience in academia and medicine. Queer Visibility in Medical Education “Emerge”ing Insights into… Read More »Celebrating Pride Month 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare systems in many ways beyond direct care of COVID-19 patients. One disruption lies in the public health infrastructure for reporting of infectious diseases, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
In honor of Election Day in the United States, here is a collection of recent posts by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine students discussing the various intersections of science and politics.
Our school of medicine residents and fellows point to their masks to show how they mask up when they’re at the lab or in the hospital, and keep it up when they’re working out, socializing and running errands.
Mark Lieber, M.D., is a first-year internal medicine resident physician at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He wrote about his experience starting his medical residency during coronavirus in an article for CNN.
If you have a love of writing, want to share your story with others or want to pursue science writing in parallel with your degree, we need you!
For The Johns Hopkins House Staff Diversity Council united the Hopkins community to stand in solidarity with the Black community against systemic inequity and… Read More »Johns Hopkins Physicians Stand With You